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Writer's pictureWilliam Smariga

The Bird is The Word

Every day crazy things happen to me. Just a moment ago, a bird flew into Java Station where I do most of my work, and it looked like it was going to land on my shoulder… It flew past me and landed on the floor behind me, next to the gnome santa sitting in the corner. So I turned around, grabbed it and took it outside. I opened my hands and it sat there for a moment unsure of what to do, giving me just enough time to see the glorious gold of the Warbler. Then it took off and I came back into a round-of-applause from a few of the patrons.

I love my life. This sort of thing seems familiar to me because I am so open. I allow people and opportunities to come into my life and go with the flow of what is in front of me. I have a lot of projects happening to keep my mind busy, otherwise I would get lazy. I know that I need to challenge myself to become better, and understand that discomfort is something that no one looks forward to. But, in order to grow we must seek that discomfort.

Check out the Joe Rogan podcast with David Goggins or Courtney Dauwalter! These are some amazing human beings who will teach you the potential of the will. David Goggins is a super athlete who holds the world record number of pull-ups in 24 hours, he is an ex-Navy Seal and former USAF Tactical Air Control Party member, and he served our great country in Iraq and Afghanistan. Courtney Dauwalter is a female-super-athlete who beat all the boys by over 10 hours in the Moab 240, which is a 238.2 mile race. It’s people like these, and watching Rocky, that inspires us to reach within ourselves to find greatness.

We all have greatness inside of us, and we are all capable of acquiring this greatness. Talk is cheap, and will never get you there. So many people spend so much time saying they are going to start working out, or start a business, but it’s the action itself that causes the growth. I’ve said it myself - “I’m going to start my new diet tomorrow.” And then tomorrow rolls around and my friend who is a chef invites me over for dinner so I put it off for a day… and then a month goes by and I’m in worse shape then when I said I’m going to start the diet tomorrow. Talk is cheap, get ‘er done.

Today’s challenge is to set a goal for yourself. A goal that will inspire you to grow in a way that you want to grow. Start small so you don’t burn out, but not so small that you don’t see results. Try 15 minutes a day of this thing, 4 days a week. That’s one hour of change and will guarantee results in whatever you are pursuing.

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