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Writer's pictureWilliam Smariga

Fake it until you make it (Evolution of I = Evolution of Society)

My goal in life is to help make a difference in the world in a positively impactful way. I’m not the smartest, nor do I have the most resources, but I have heart. Continuous growth is part of my journey, and with that comes revelations of wrongs and misinterpretations along the way. I for sure, have made huge mistakes along the way and realize that dwelling on these mistakes was one of my first problems. It did not allow me to love myself fully because I thought that who I was was what I had done. And in a sense I was right, but who I was was actually what I had learned through those experiences.

We are all unique, and that is something that I appreciate about every person I meet, but for a long time it was hard for me to accept my own uniquenesses. I was too busy holding onto the mistakes that I had made to appreciate the person who I was becoming. My holding onto my past was not allowing me to grow. I believe that if we grow as individuals, we can grow as a society. I think we are pushing each other away right now because we are afraid. We are afraid because we do not know ourselves and we are pushing each other away in fear of rational deliberation. We are afraid to learn something new because it might challenge our lifestyle or change us in a way that could take getting used to. But the more one challenges oneself, the easier challenges become and the more resourceful one becomes. I would love to see the world full of resourceful and rational deliberator-neighbors.

I have so much faith in people and believe that they are capable of much more than they are currently doing. I also think that in order for us to grow as a collective society, we have to take the steps to grow individually and within our own social groups. I want to help people appreciate and love themselves because I think this is something we are missing in our society and in our education. It is very hard to be happy in life if you do not know who you are. And it’s also very easy to pretend we know who we are and act like someone who we believe other people will like. With that simple piece of information (knowing who you really are) you can create a lot more clarity in your life. If you don’t accept the person you are, admit your mistakes, or truthfully admit how you feel, it is very hard to love yourself. Knowing yourself doesn’t really mean much, except that you know what makes you happy and that you are honest about what you know.

Know yourself to Love yourself

How do you get to know who you are? If you don’t already know, my best advice is journaling. Take time to hand write your feelings each day, and have a page for values, a page for goals, and a page for successes. On your values page, write down the values of the people that you look up to and the traits of someone you might grow into. On your goals page, write down short-term and long-term goals for life as you realize them, and make them challenging yet feasible. And on your successes page, give yourself credit for your accomplishments and a space for accomplishments to come. This is also a place to lift you when you are feeling discouraged about your current situation, and to motivate you to succeed even more.

If you don’t want to journal, you can try to fake it until you make it. Pretend to be the person you wish to be until it becomes who you are. This works great for a lot of people. You may not become “awake” or sensitive to everything quickly, but you may become successful in that which you seek. And it is a good way to create the time and resources needed to transform gradually into the potential you have within you. There are multiple ways for every person to find their own way, you simply have to be willing to try.

In my lifetime I have realized many truths and fallacies about the way we view ourselves and the world around us. In my own life I blocked myself from seeing things for the way that they really were, because it was easier for me to handle life without seeing certain truths. There comes a time when you make a decision to wake up from being asleep, also known as taking the red pill. Here is the famous quote from the movie The Matrix: “You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth.”

Do you dare take the red pill and go down the rabbit hole?

Challenge yourself, and those around you who are ready to grow. Create strength in yourself, your relationships, and your community. Evolve yourself and evolve OUR society.

Keep it easy, keep it Smeezy.

Peace and Love,

William S.


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