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Writer's pictureWilliam Smariga

What is Smeezy?

Thanks for joining us! We are stoked to have you here especially because we can let you know a few secrets about the Smeezy platform that can benefit you and your friends. That will come towards the end of the article so if that’s why you’re here go ahead and scroll. For the rest of you let me tell you a thing or two about what Smeezy is, why it was created, and the goals for the future…

Smeezy is a new social media platform, a sophisticated craigslist if you will, that allows users to barter, share, rent, and sell things with the people in their communities. We live in a time when we must make a change or our environment will never be the same. If we want our children to be able to swim in the rivers and oceans we must stop polluting them. If we want our children to live long, healthy, happy lives, we need to come together as people to build that human connection and sense of community. So I created and the Smeezy App to reduce consumerism, and create a wealth in community.

My name is William Smariga, and I am the founder of Smeezy. I live in a thrifty way, creating my own opportunities, and trying to touch as many lives as I can along the way. And I decided rather than just coasting, I wanted to develop something that can change the world. Maybe I decided this because I feel that someone wants me to still be here.

I’ve almost died a number of times in a number of ways including: getting a knife held to my throat on a subway, being hit by 3 cars on my bicycle, alcohol, depression, blah blah… They were all learning experiences and I’m so grateful to have had every single one of my near-death experiences, relationships, ups and downs. I realized just how grateful I am about a year ago when I had the most vivid dream…

I don’t even know how I died in the dream but I remember vividly going to the spirit world, and god or whatever spirit was talking to me said “It’s not your time yet. You are being granted a pass to wake up at any point in your life, knowing all the things that you know now so go choose.” And I flew above my life from birth to death, ready to drop into it at any moment, but not able to choose a place because I knew that I would miss the experience that I had in my life. I realized at that moment how important every success AND failure brought me to be the person who I was today. I don’t need to be younger or go back and fix mistakes. That was my problem for the longest time was holding onto the feeling of guilt. I was unable to love myself because I thought I was a bad person for doing the things that I had done. So I woke up. And I woke up. And I seeked to be the change in that I seeked. I realized that I can’t change the past so there is no reason to hold onto it in an unhealthy way. I must mend the relationships that I have damaged or that have damaged me. And most important of all, I must stop looking up to others and become my own hero.

Where did the word Smeezy come from? Smeezy is short for Smariga, my last name. Smeezy is easy to remember. And Smeezy represents the hero inside of all of us who wants to do good for themselves and their community. I believe we are all heroes inside but are misled and taught to feel weak or insecure. Smeezy is going to make us feel like a community, feel like we have the resources we need, and hopefully create an entire new culture around social media.

Oh yeah - back to the secret about Smeezy! Our goal is to give back half the profits to the users. We want to give back most to the people who help us grow, because without users, the system won’t work properly. Thank you for getting on Smeezy, and taking steps to a better future, a barter future.

Let’s build a new kind of community together.

William Smariga

Founder and 100% owner

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