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Writer's pictureWilliam Smariga

9 months


It’s been exactly 9 months since my last "blog idea." I know this because I use Google Docs and it tells me the last time my “blog ideas” page has been opened. That’s a serendipitous number because now my girlfriend is pregnant. A relationship I could never have imagined 9 months ago, and I am confident it will last me the rest of my life. Kera is her name, and she is my queen. But this post is not about her, it is about all of us and the future of “humanity.”

In the last 9 months, I have become busy. I haven’t taken as much time for myself as one should, as I have put my everything into building a brand. Salty Brothers Soap Company is more than a bath & body or a wellness company, it is an intentional commitment to wellness of one between an individual, community, and nature. On you will find products made with the highest quality (and local) ingredients, without harmful chemicals, colors, or fake fragrances, and packaged with the environment in mind. I built this company because I want to set an example for myself, my children, and others who want to believe that the American dream still exists.

In the last 9 months, the world has taken a turn and the Coronavirus has scared everyone into a new way of life. Many people are angry, and many people are scared. I am disappointed. I’m disappointed in the lack of humanity and the lack of community. I am also disappointed in our government for their infantile and unsophisticated response. And this goes for Democrats and Republicans alike, because our “leaders” have been bickering like an old couple (and believe me, many of these leaders are old) instead of acting on the behalf of the people. On September 11, 2001, I was a senior in High School, and the response from the horrors of that day was unity. People came together and flew their flags, supported and embraced each other, and loved one another.

In the last 9 months, the shutdown has forced about half of small businesses to close, while the largest corporations have grown significantly. People have been manipulated into spending their dollars outside of their community, and continuing to purchase the lower priced items that have lowered the American standard. I believe it is not the fault of the consumer as much as the manipulation techniques used by these larger corporations. Scientists have been studying manipulation for a hundred years, in order to sway the masses. I’m not sure if I believe this scenario was planned, however it is a perfect opportunity for the media and monopolistic corporations to use what they know about “marketing” to form the public into a mold. They have created a fearful, divided, and confused population, in a time when we need the opposite of this.

In the last 9 months, I have gone from a fiery liberal to somewhere in the middle. I don’t believe that most people are on the extreme right or extreme left. But maybe I am wrong... I believe most people want what I want: freedom and opportunity. I believe most people want our government to provide healthcare, education, and protection of people and environment. I believe that our system has been altered to favor the dollar over the human, and we are worried because we see this getting worse and not better. Winston Churchill says “If you are 20 and not a liberal you have no heart, if you are 30 and not a conservative you have no brain,” but I believe this is also wrong because it is saying you have to be one or the other. I believe we can create something that has a heart and a brain. For example I don’t believe Amazon is the devil, I believe it is a brilliant use of technology and could be used to benefit and simplify so many things in our lives. I believe this sort of technology is developed for a reason and becomes popular for a reason ~ change is inevitable. We must grow with the times. It is not Amazon’s fault that we mostly buy cheap things that break, that are built halfway around the world. It is our fault for not voting with our dollar. Some things ~ YES, they are much better to buy from around the world because materials and ingredients are found in those places. But certain things like plastic are not “sourced” from the ground, and causes a huge impact for future generations and this is something for us to consider when we “vote” with our dollar. I urge you to buy local as much as possible when it comes to food, gyms, banks, mechanics, and other products and services available in your area.

In the next 9 months, I hope to be living in a beautiful home with my beautiful wife and child, and continuing to grow as an individual. I hope to chase the dreams of health, wellness, supporting local businesses, and becoming more of a leader than an observer. I hope that my business becomes more successful and I can provide much needed jobs to locals and entrepreneurs. I hope that there is more unity in the people of my town and my country. I hope that everyone I know continues to grow with the best intentions, and continues to teach me how to grow as well.

Thank you for being part of my community.

Peace and Love,

William Smariga

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